Bringing a new life into the world is a monumental experience, but it comes with significant changes—physically, emotionally, and relationally. One area that many new parents find challenging is...
If you’re struggling with Out of Control Sexual Behavior and seeking compassionate, effective therapy, I’m here to help. Whether you’re in Prosper, Frisco, Plano, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, or...
Are you dealing with differences in sexual desire that are affecting your relationship? It can be tough and frustrating to navigate the emotional challenges of being the partner with higher desire...
Sexual desire varies between people and can cause problems when partners have different levels of desire. Low sexual desire can create tension and disconnect in relationships. Stress, negative...
One of the most common issues that comes up in couples and sex therapy is the desire discrepancy. Desire discrepancy leads to one person feeling pressure and anxiety around sex and can quickly...